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Get up close and personal with Ovartaci – and the hybrid creatures

… when Museum Ovartaci invites you to join the final open guided tour of the year.


The last open guided tour of the year is 12 November at 13:00. There are 25 tickets allocated first come first served.


During the tour your guide takes you through an exciting journey in the museum’s main exhibition. Here you will be introduced to the history of the Psychiatric Hospital in Risskov and the human and artist behind Ovartaci. After the one-hour guided tour you are invited to immerse yourself further into the stories, objects, and artworks on your own.


Price: 75 DKK to join the tour and 95 DKK to gain entrance to the museum.


To sign up text 41856290 – and please provide name and number of participants.

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An exciting year awaits.

2024 is going to be an exciting year at the museum. The current temporary exhibition “I am (here)” with selected works from the museum’s collection closes by the end of the year to make room for new limited exhibitions.

The double reality

On 22 February 2024, Museum Ovartaci will open the temporary exhibition “The double reality” with works of art by Kathrine Ærtebjerg. The exhibition will consist of new paperworks, older paintings, wooden figures hanging from the ceiling, and music by Kathrine Ærtebjerg.


Kathrine Ærtebjerg’s artistic universe is ever changing and dream-like. An imaginary world where your curiosity is constantly provoked. We will meet a world that is different from the one we know with hints of familiarity.


In many ways, Ærtebjerg’s artworks explores our presence in the world – both spiritually and physically by pushing our experience of reality. Perhaps there isn’t only one reality.


The exhibition is created in collaboration with Nikolaj Kunsthal, where artworks by Kathrine Ærtebjerg will be displayed along with works by Ovartaci in the end of 2024.


Kathrine Ærtebjerg’s artistic universe is ever changing and dream-like. An imaginary world where your curiosity is constantly provoked. We will meet a world that is different from the one we know with hints of familiarity.


In many ways, Ærtebjerg’s artworks explores our presence in the world – both spiritually and physically by pushing our experience of reality. Perhaps there isn’t only one reality.


The exhibition is created in collaboration with Nikolaj Kunsthal, where artworks by Kathrine Ærtebjerg will be displayed along with works by Ovartaci in the end of 2024.

The unknown Ovartaci

2024 would have been Ovartaci’s 130th birthday. To celebrate this the museum will open a unique temporary exhibition with lesser-known artworks by Ovartaci – The Unknown Ovartaci.


Ovartaci is known and loved for his one-of-a-kind hybrid creatures and female figures. But during his life, Ovartaci also painted minimalistic paintings. These paintings were made to order from nurses, doctors, or other people he had contact with throughout his life as a patient at the hospital.


The temporary exhibition The Unknown Ovartaci shows a new side of him that has not previously been in the limelight. Some of the artworks may appear like a true copy of the reality we know, but upon further examination you can experience the Ovartaci twist.


The Unknown Ovartaci exhibition will open in September 2024. This along with other events will celebrate his 130th birthday.

Christmas market

On Thursday 30 November from 10-17 you can buy fascinating and fancy unique handicrafts at the Christmas market held by Frirummet.


So, if you are in need of a Christmas present why not drop by and be inspired by the wonderful creations.


The users of the workshop are both creative and skilled. During the past year, they have created various different handicrafts for you to buy at the Christmas market. Museum Ovartaci’s creative workshop Frirummet is open for all mentally vulnerable. Here you can have a cup of coffee with like minded or start a creative project.


Proceeds from the Christmas market will be used to buy new equipment and supplies for the workshop Frirummet.


The Christmas market is in the B&U gallery – at the back of the shop.

Revival of a tradition

At the end of October, Museum Ovartaci resumed an old tradition when we gathered the different Danish psychiatric collections at the museum. A tradition that has been quiet since the pandemic. The psychiatric collections consist of institutions from Middelfart, Nykøbing Sjælland and Sct. Hans in Roskilde.


Museum director Mia Lejsted welcomed and introduced the museum's current situation after the reopening in May, afterwards the museum's collection manager Lise Kabel talked about the construction of the new permanent exhibition.


After a tour of the new exhibition, all four participating collections presented their current and future projects to each other. This professional exchange is important as it provides the opportunity for sparring and mutual inspiration.


Nykøbing Sjælland has already offered to host next year's meeting, so that the tradition is maintained.

Get your Christmas presents at Museum Ovartaci

In the museum shop you will find a wide range of wonderful gift ideas. If you need something small for an advent calendar, a hostess gift, or perhaps a Christmas present, you need to come by the museum’s shop. Let yourself inspire and explore all the goods. Below we have listed a few ideas for you.

Ovartaci jigsaw puzzle

The jigsaw puzzle with Ovartaci’s painting “Puro i badet” (Puro in the bath) is a limited edition and the perfect gift for a puzzle-lover. The 1000-piece puzzle will keep you entertained for many hours.

“Puro i badet”
Exit 10 – The mysterious museum

The mysterious museum is an ideal present for any escape-room fan.

The mysterious museum is an escape-room experience in your own home. In the game you are locked inside the mysterious museum and have to find your way through different wings and parts of your temporary prison. To complete the game takes 1-2 hours.


Superskurk is a raw and authentic book by Anna Juul. The language is straight forward and no detail spared. Anna has struggled with mental health issues since her teenage years, but have now gained control of her life. Dealing with her demons by making herself the villain, she will soon celebrate her 30th birthday with a lavish party. The book is in Danish.

Yoga poster

The beautiful yoga poster is decorative and useful. The poster is divided into 6 different flows, with each consisting of 7 exercises. The poster is a must-have for any yoga lover, or just as a daily reminder to give yourself time to exercise and meditate.

Everyone needs good friends – even a museum

Members of Friends of Museum Ovartaci help ensure the continued existence of the museum and help make a difference by eliminating prejudices and create an understanding of mental illness through art and history of art.


In other words: Museum Ovartaci needs you!


As a member of Friends of Museum Ovartaci you get special benefits. You will be invited to events, openings, pre-views, special friend-events and a discount to selected event. Furthermore, a membership in Museum Ovartaci’s Friends grants free admission to the museum. Membership price 225 DKK per year.


Sign up and become a part of Museum Ovartaci’s Friends by following the link below.

Sign in here
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